We are always accepting donations of animal; supplies including, but not limited to blankets, towels, dog food, beds, toys, collars/leashes, keenels/crates, laundry detergent, nail clippers, and grooming equipment/supplies.

We provide all animals in the rescue with all regular vaccines, behavior modification when needed, routine preventatives (HW/flea & tick), medical care/treatment and sterilization prior to adoption into a permanent home. 

We are also seeking monetary donations as well. The average initial cost for vetting one animal in our rescue is $200 and that does NOT include the cost of additional medical issues/needs. Monthly prevention for heartworm and fleas is an additional $30-$40 per dog monthly. 

We need donations in order to properly take care of all of our rescues. Please donate if you can. NO donation is too small. 

For any questions, please fill out the form below. Thank you for your support!


Paws Crossed Inc., is not affiliated with Paws Crossed Animal Rescue Inc. or the Paws Crossed service mark registration #4749069

Where are we located?

get in touch!

Paws Crossed

Lee County, FL

E-mail: Pawscrossedinc@yahoo.com